#include "menu.h" #include "openbox.h" #include "stacking.h" #include "grab.h" #include "screen.h" #include "geom.h" #include "plugin.h" GHashTable *menu_hash = NULL; GSList *menu_visible = NULL; #define FRAME_EVENTMASK (ButtonPressMask |ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | \ LeaveWindowMask) #define TITLE_EVENTMASK (ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask) #define ENTRY_EVENTMASK (EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | \ ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask) static void parse_menu(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, void *data) { Action *act; xmlNodePtr nact; gchar *id = NULL, *title = NULL, *label = NULL; Menu *menu, *parent; if (!parse_attr_string("id", node->parent, &id)) goto parse_menu_fail; if (!parse_attr_string("label", node->parent, &title)) goto parse_menu_fail; g_message("menu label %s", title); menu = menu_new(title, id, data ? *((Menu**)data) : NULL); if (data) *((Menu**)data) = menu; while (node) { if (!xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) "menu")) { parent = menu; parse_menu(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, &parent); menu_add_entry(menu, menu_entry_new_submenu(parent->label, parent)); } else if (!xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (const xmlChar*) "item")) { if (parse_attr_string("label", node, &label)) { if ((nact = parse_find_node("action", node->xmlChildrenNode))) act = action_parse(doc, nact); else act = NULL; if (act) menu_add_entry(menu, menu_entry_new(label, act)); else menu_add_entry(menu, menu_entry_new_separator(label)); g_free(label); } } node = node->next; } parse_menu_fail: g_free(id); g_free(title); } void menu_control_show(Menu *self, int x, int y, ObClient *client); void menu_destroy_hash_key(Menu *menu) { g_free(menu); } void menu_destroy_hash_value(Menu *self) { GList *it; for (it = self->entries; it; it = it->next) menu_entry_free(it->data); g_list_free(self->entries); g_free(self->label); g_free(self->name); g_hash_table_remove(window_map, &self->title); g_hash_table_remove(window_map, &self->frame); g_hash_table_remove(window_map, &self->items); stacking_remove(self); RrAppearanceFree(self->a_title); XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->title); XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->frame); XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->items); g_free(self); } void menu_entry_free(MenuEntry *self) { g_free(self->label); action_free(self->action); g_hash_table_remove(window_map, &self->item); RrAppearanceFree(self->a_item); RrAppearanceFree(self->a_disabled); RrAppearanceFree(self->a_hilite); XDestroyWindow(ob_display, self->item); g_free(self); } void menu_startup() { /* Menu *m; Menu *s; Menu *t; Action *a; */ menu_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify)menu_destroy_hash_key, (GDestroyNotify)menu_destroy_hash_value); parse_register("menu", parse_menu, NULL); /* m = menu_new("sex menu", "root", NULL); a = action_from_string("execute"); a->data.execute.path = g_strdup("xterm"); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new("xterm", a)); a = action_from_string("restart"); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new("restart", a)); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new_separator("--")); a = action_from_string("exit"); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new("exit", a)); */ /* s = menu_new("subsex menu", "submenu", m); a = action_from_string("execute"); a->data.execute.path = g_strdup("xclock"); menu_add_entry(s, menu_entry_new("xclock", a)); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new_submenu("subz", s)); s = menu_new("empty", "chub", m); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new_submenu("empty", s)); s = menu_new("", "s-club", m); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new_submenu("empty", s)); s = menu_new(NULL, "h-club", m); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new_submenu("empty", s)); s = menu_new(NULL, "g-club", m); a = action_from_string("execute"); a->data.execute.path = g_strdup("xterm"); menu_add_entry(s, menu_entry_new("xterm", a)); a = action_from_string("restart"); menu_add_entry(s, menu_entry_new("restart", a)); menu_add_entry(s, menu_entry_new_separator("--")); a = action_from_string("exit"); menu_add_entry(s, menu_entry_new("exit", a)); menu_add_entry(m, menu_entry_new_submenu("long", s)); */ } void menu_shutdown() { g_hash_table_destroy(menu_hash); } static Window createWindow(Window parent, unsigned long mask, XSetWindowAttributes *attrib) { return XCreateWindow(ob_display, parent, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, RrDepth(ob_rr_inst), InputOutput, RrVisual(ob_rr_inst), mask, attrib); } Menu *menu_new_full(char *label, char *name, Menu *parent, menu_controller_show show, menu_controller_update update) { XSetWindowAttributes attrib; Menu *self; self = g_new0(Menu, 1); self->obwin.type = Window_Menu; self->label = g_strdup(label); self->name = g_strdup(name); self->parent = parent; self->open_submenu = NULL; self->entries = NULL; self->shown = FALSE; self->invalid = TRUE; /* default controllers */ self->show = show; self->hide = NULL; self->update = update; self->mouseover = NULL; self->selected = NULL; self->plugin = NULL; self->plugin_data = NULL; attrib.override_redirect = TRUE; attrib.event_mask = FRAME_EVENTMASK; self->frame = createWindow(ob_root, CWOverrideRedirect|CWEventMask, &attrib); attrib.event_mask = TITLE_EVENTMASK; self->title = createWindow(self->frame, CWEventMask, &attrib); self->items = createWindow(self->frame, 0, &attrib); self->a_title = self->a_items = NULL; XMapWindow(ob_display, self->title); XMapWindow(ob_display, self->items); g_hash_table_insert(window_map, &self->frame, self); g_hash_table_insert(window_map, &self->title, self); g_hash_table_insert(window_map, &self->items, self); g_hash_table_insert(menu_hash, g_strdup(name), self); stacking_add(MENU_AS_WINDOW(self)); stacking_raise(MENU_AS_WINDOW(self)); return self; } void menu_free(char *name) { g_hash_table_remove(menu_hash, name); } MenuEntry *menu_entry_new_full(char *label, Action *action, MenuEntryRenderType render_type, gpointer submenu) { MenuEntry *menu_entry = g_new0(MenuEntry, 1); menu_entry->label = g_strdup(label); menu_entry->render_type = render_type; menu_entry->action = action; menu_entry->hilite = FALSE; menu_entry->enabled = TRUE; menu_entry->submenu = submenu; return menu_entry; } void menu_entry_set_submenu(MenuEntry *entry, Menu *submenu) { g_assert(entry != NULL); entry->submenu = submenu; if(entry->parent != NULL) entry->parent->invalid = TRUE; } void menu_add_entry(Menu *menu, MenuEntry *entry) { XSetWindowAttributes attrib; g_assert(menu != NULL); g_assert(entry != NULL); g_assert(entry->item == None); menu->entries = g_list_append(menu->entries, entry); entry->parent = menu; attrib.event_mask = ENTRY_EVENTMASK; entry->item = createWindow(menu->items, CWEventMask, &attrib); XMapWindow(ob_display, entry->item); entry->a_item = entry->a_disabled = entry->a_hilite = NULL; menu->invalid = TRUE; g_hash_table_insert(window_map, &entry->item, menu); } void menu_show(char *name, int x, int y, ObClient *client) { Menu *self; self = g_hash_table_lookup(menu_hash, name); if (!self) { g_warning("Attempted to show menu '%s' but it does not exist.", name); return; } menu_show_full(self, x, y, client); } void menu_show_full(Menu *self, int x, int y, ObClient *client) { g_assert(self != NULL); menu_render(self); self->client = client; if (!self->shown) { if (!self->parent) { grab_pointer(TRUE, None); grab_keyboard(TRUE); } menu_visible = g_slist_append(menu_visible, self); } if (self->show) { self->show(self, x, y, client); } else { menu_control_show(self, x, y, client); } } void menu_hide(Menu *self) { if (self->shown) { XUnmapWindow(ob_display, self->frame); self->shown = FALSE; if (self->open_submenu) menu_hide(self->open_submenu); if (self->parent && self->parent->open_submenu == self) self->parent->open_submenu = NULL; if (!self->parent) { grab_keyboard(FALSE); grab_pointer(FALSE, None); } menu_visible = g_slist_remove(menu_visible, self); } } void menu_clear(Menu *self) { GList *it; for (it = self->entries; it; it = it->next) { MenuEntry *entry = it->data; menu_entry_free(entry); } self->entries = NULL; self->invalid = TRUE; } MenuEntry *menu_find_entry(Menu *menu, Window win) { GList *it; for (it = menu->entries; it; it = it->next) { MenuEntry *entry = it->data; if (entry->item == win) return entry; } return NULL; } MenuEntry *menu_find_entry_by_pos(Menu *menu, int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= menu->size.width || y < 0 || y >= menu->size.height) return NULL; y -= menu->title_h + ob_rr_theme->bwidth; if (y < 0) return NULL; g_message ("%d %p", y/menu->item_h, g_list_nth_data(menu->entries, y / menu->item_h)); return g_list_nth_data(menu->entries, y / menu->item_h); } void menu_entry_fire(MenuEntry *self) { Menu *m; if (self->action) { self->action->data.any.c = self->parent->client; self->action->func(&self->action->data); /* hide the whole thing */ m = self->parent; while (m->parent) m = m->parent; menu_hide(m); } } /* Default menu controller action for showing. */ void menu_control_show(Menu *self, int x, int y, ObClient *client) { guint i; Rect *a = NULL; g_assert(!self->invalid); for (i = 0; i < screen_num_monitors; ++i) { a = screen_physical_area_monitor(i); if (RECT_CONTAINS(*a, x, y)) break; } g_assert(a != NULL); self->xin_area = i; POINT_SET(self->location, MIN(x, a->x + a->width - 1 - self->size.width), MIN(y, a->y + a->height - 1 - self->size.height)); XMoveWindow(ob_display, self->frame, self->location.x, self->location.y); if (!self->shown) { XMapWindow(ob_display, self->frame); stacking_raise(MENU_AS_WINDOW(self)); self->shown = TRUE; } else if (self->shown && self->open_submenu) { menu_hide(self->open_submenu); } } void menu_control_mouseover(MenuEntry *self, gboolean enter) { int x; Rect *a; self->hilite = enter; if (enter) { if (self->parent->open_submenu && self->submenu != self->parent->open_submenu) menu_hide(self->parent->open_submenu); if (self->submenu && self->parent->open_submenu != self->submenu) { self->parent->open_submenu = self->submenu; /* shouldn't be invalid since it must be displayed */ g_assert(!self->parent->invalid); /* TODO: I don't understand why these bevels should be here. Something must be wrong in the width calculation */ x = self->parent->location.x + self->parent->size.width + ob_rr_theme->bwidth; /* need to get the width. is this bad?*/ menu_render(self->submenu); a = screen_physical_area_monitor(self->parent->xin_area); if (self->submenu->size.width + x >= a->x + a->width) x = self->parent->location.x - self->submenu->size.width - ob_rr_theme->bwidth; menu_show_full(self->submenu, x, self->parent->location.y + self->y, self->parent->client); } } }