/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*- keyboard.c for the Openbox window manager Copyright (c) 2006 Mikael Magnusson Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Dana Jansens This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. See the COPYING file for a copy of the GNU General Public License. */ #include "mainloop.h" #include "focus.h" #include "screen.h" #include "frame.h" #include "openbox.h" #include "event.h" #include "grab.h" #include "client.h" #include "action.h" #include "prop.h" #include "menuframe.h" #include "config.h" #include "keytree.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "translate.h" #include "moveresize.h" #include "popup.h" #include "gettext.h" #include typedef struct { gboolean active; guint state; ObClient *client; ObAction *action; } ObInteractiveState; KeyBindingTree *keyboard_firstnode = NULL; static ObPopup *popup = NULL; static ObInteractiveState istate; static KeyBindingTree *curpos; static void grab_keys(gboolean grab) { KeyBindingTree *p; ungrab_all_keys(RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen)); if (grab) { p = curpos ? curpos->first_child : keyboard_firstnode; while (p) { grab_key(p->key, p->state, RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen), GrabModeAsync); p = p->next_sibling; } if (curpos) grab_key(config_keyboard_reset_keycode, config_keyboard_reset_state, RootWindow(ob_display, ob_screen), GrabModeAsync); } } static gboolean chain_timeout(gpointer data) { keyboard_reset_chains(0); return FALSE; /* don't repeat */ } static void set_curpos(KeyBindingTree *newpos) { grab_keys(FALSE); curpos = newpos; grab_keys(TRUE); if (curpos != NULL) { gchar *text = NULL; GList *it; for (it = curpos->keylist; it; it = g_list_next(it)) { gchar *oldtext = text; if (text == NULL) text = g_strdup(it->data); else text = g_strconcat(text, " - ", it->data, NULL); g_free(oldtext); } popup_position(popup, NorthWestGravity, 10, 10); /* 1 second delay for the popup to show */ popup_delay_show(popup, G_USEC_PER_SEC, text); g_free(text); } else { popup_hide(popup); } } void keyboard_reset_chains(gint break_chroots) { KeyBindingTree *p; for (p = curpos; p; p = p->parent) { if (p->chroot) { if (break_chroots == 0) break; /* stop here */ if (break_chroots > 0) --break_chroots; } } set_curpos(p); } void keyboard_unbind_all() { tree_destroy(keyboard_firstnode); keyboard_firstnode = NULL; } void keyboard_chroot(GList *keylist) { /* try do it in the existing tree. if we can't that means it is an empty chroot binding. so add it to the tree then. */ if (!tree_chroot(keyboard_firstnode, keylist)) { KeyBindingTree *tree; if (!(tree = tree_build(keylist))) return; tree_chroot(tree, keylist); tree_assimilate(tree); } } gboolean keyboard_bind(GList *keylist, ObAction *action) { KeyBindingTree *tree, *t; gboolean conflict; gboolean mods = TRUE; g_assert(keylist != NULL); g_assert(action != NULL); if (!(tree = tree_build(keylist))) return FALSE; if ((t = tree_find(tree, &conflict)) != NULL) { /* already bound to something, use the existing tree */ tree_destroy(tree); tree = NULL; } else t = tree; if (conflict) { g_message(_("Conflict with key binding in config file")); tree_destroy(tree); return FALSE; } /* find if every key in this chain has modifiers, and also find the bottom node of the tree */ while (t->first_child) { if (!t->state) mods = FALSE; t = t->first_child; } /* when there are no modifiers in the binding, then the action cannot be interactive */ if (!mods && action->data.any.interactive) { action->data.any.interactive = FALSE; action->data.inter.final = TRUE; } /* set the action */ t->actions = g_slist_append(t->actions, action); /* assimilate this built tree into the main tree. assimilation destroys/uses the tree */ if (tree) tree_assimilate(tree); return TRUE; } static void keyboard_interactive_end(guint state, gboolean cancel, Time time, gboolean ungrab) { GSList *alist; g_assert(istate.active); alist = g_slist_append(NULL, istate.action); action_run_interactive(alist, istate.client, state, time, cancel, TRUE); g_slist_free(alist); istate.active = FALSE; if (ungrab) grab_keyboard(FALSE); } static void keyboard_interactive_end_client(ObClient *client, gpointer data) { if (istate.active && istate.client == client) istate.client = NULL; } gboolean keyboard_interactive_grab(guint state, ObClient *client, ObAction *action) { g_assert(action->data.any.interactive); if (!istate.active) { if (!grab_keyboard(TRUE)) return FALSE; } else if (action->func != istate.action->func) { keyboard_interactive_end(state, FALSE, action->data.any.time, FALSE); } istate.active = TRUE; istate.state = state; istate.client = client; istate.action = action; return TRUE; } gboolean keyboard_process_interactive_grab(const XEvent *e, ObClient **client) { gboolean handled = FALSE; gboolean done = FALSE; gboolean cancel = FALSE; if (istate.active) { if ((e->type == KeyRelease && !(istate.state & e->xkey.state))) { done = TRUE; handled = TRUE; } else if (e->type == KeyPress) { /*if (e->xkey.keycode == ob_keycode(OB_KEY_RETURN)) done = TRUE; else */if (e->xkey.keycode == ob_keycode(OB_KEY_ESCAPE)) { cancel = done = TRUE; handled = TRUE; } } else if (e->type == ButtonPress) { cancel = FALSE; done = TRUE; handled = FALSE; } if (done) keyboard_interactive_end(e->xkey.state, cancel, e->xkey.time,TRUE); if (handled) *client = istate.client; } return handled; } void keyboard_event(ObClient *client, const XEvent *e) { KeyBindingTree *p; g_assert(e->type == KeyPress); if (e->xkey.keycode == config_keyboard_reset_keycode && e->xkey.state == config_keyboard_reset_state) { ob_main_loop_timeout_remove(ob_main_loop, chain_timeout); keyboard_reset_chains(-1); return; } if (curpos == NULL) p = keyboard_firstnode; else p = curpos->first_child; while (p) { if (p->key == e->xkey.keycode && p->state == e->xkey.state) { /* if we hit a key binding, then close any open menus and run it */ if (menu_frame_visible) menu_frame_hide_all(); if (p->first_child != NULL) { /* part of a chain */ ob_main_loop_timeout_remove(ob_main_loop, chain_timeout); /* 3 second timeout for chains */ ob_main_loop_timeout_add(ob_main_loop, 3 * G_USEC_PER_SEC, chain_timeout, NULL, g_direct_equal, NULL); set_curpos(p); } else if (p->chroot) /* an empty chroot */ set_curpos(p); else { keyboard_reset_chains(0); action_run_key(p->actions, client, e->xkey.state, e->xkey.x_root, e->xkey.y_root, e->xkey.time); } break; } p = p->next_sibling; } } gboolean keyboard_interactively_grabbed() { return istate.active; } void keyboard_startup(gboolean reconfig) { grab_keys(TRUE); popup = popup_new(FALSE); if (!reconfig) client_add_destructor(keyboard_interactive_end_client, NULL); } void keyboard_shutdown(gboolean reconfig) { if (!reconfig) client_remove_destructor(keyboard_interactive_end_client); if (istate.active) keyboard_interactive_end(0, TRUE, 0, TRUE); ob_main_loop_timeout_remove(ob_main_loop, chain_timeout); keyboard_unbind_all(); set_curpos(NULL); popup_free(popup); popup = NULL; }