#include "openbox/actions.h" #include "openbox/screen.h" #include "openbox/client.h" #include "openbox/openbox.h" #include "obt/keyboard.h" typedef enum { LAST, RELATIVE, ABSOLUTE } SwitchType; typedef struct { SwitchType type; union { struct { guint desktop; } abs; struct { gboolean linear; gboolean wrap; ObDirection dir; } rel; } u; gboolean send; gboolean follow; gboolean interactive; } Options; static gpointer setup_go_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gboolean run_func(ObActionsData *data, gpointer options); static gboolean i_pre_func(guint state, gpointer options); static gboolean i_input_func(guint initial_state, XEvent *e, gpointer options, gboolean *used); static void i_post_func(gpointer options); /* 3.4-compatibility */ static gpointer setup_go_last_func(xmlNodePtr node); static gpointer setup_send_last_func(xmlNodePtr node); static gpointer setup_go_abs_func(xmlNodePtr node); static gpointer setup_send_abs_func(xmlNodePtr node); static gpointer setup_go_next_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_next_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_go_prev_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_prev_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_go_left_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_left_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_go_right_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_right_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_go_up_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_up_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_go_down_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); static gpointer setup_send_down_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post); void action_desktop_startup(void) { actions_register_i("GoToDesktop", setup_go_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktop", setup_send_func, g_free, run_func); /* 3.4-compatibility */ actions_register("DesktopLast", setup_go_last_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register("SendToDesktopLast", setup_send_last_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register("Desktop", setup_go_abs_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register("SendToDesktop", setup_send_abs_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("DesktopNext", setup_go_next_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktopNext", setup_send_next_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("DesktopPrevious", setup_go_prev_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktopPrevious", setup_send_prev_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("DesktopLeft", setup_go_left_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktopLeft", setup_send_left_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("DesktopRight", setup_go_right_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktopRight", setup_send_right_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("DesktopUp", setup_go_up_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktopUp", setup_send_up_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("DesktopDown", setup_go_down_func, g_free, run_func); actions_register_i("SendToDesktopDown", setup_send_down_func, g_free, run_func); } static gpointer setup_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { xmlNodePtr n; Options *o; o = g_new0(Options, 1); /* don't go anywhere if there are no options given */ o->type = ABSOLUTE; o->u.abs.desktop = screen_desktop; /* wrap by default - it's handy! */ o->u.rel.wrap = TRUE; if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "to"))) { gchar *s = obt_xml_node_string(n); if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "last")) o->type = LAST; else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "next")) { o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.linear = TRUE; o->u.rel.dir = OB_DIRECTION_EAST; } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "previous")) { o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.linear = TRUE; o->u.rel.dir = OB_DIRECTION_WEST; } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "north") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "up")) { o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.dir = OB_DIRECTION_NORTH; } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "south") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "down")) { o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.dir = OB_DIRECTION_SOUTH; } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "west") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "left")) { o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.dir = OB_DIRECTION_WEST; } else if (!g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "east") || !g_ascii_strcasecmp(s, "right")) { o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.dir = OB_DIRECTION_EAST; } else { o->type = ABSOLUTE; o->u.abs.desktop = atoi(s) - 1; } g_free(s); } if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "wrap"))) o->u.rel.wrap = obt_xml_node_bool(n); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o; o = setup_func(node, pre, input, cancel, post); if (o->type == RELATIVE) { o->interactive = TRUE; *pre = i_pre_func; *input = i_input_func; *post = i_post_func; } return o; } static gpointer setup_send_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { xmlNodePtr n; Options *o; o = setup_func(node, pre, input, cancel, post); o->send = TRUE; o->follow = TRUE; if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "follow"))) o->follow = obt_xml_node_bool(n); if (o->type == RELATIVE && o->follow) { o->interactive = TRUE; *pre = i_pre_func; *input = i_input_func; *post = i_post_func; } return o; } /* Always return FALSE because its not interactive */ static gboolean run_func(ObActionsData *data, gpointer options) { Options *o = options; guint d; switch (o->type) { case LAST: d = screen_last_desktop; break; case ABSOLUTE: d = o->u.abs.desktop; break; case RELATIVE: d = screen_find_desktop(screen_desktop, o->u.rel.dir, o->u.rel.wrap, o->u.rel.linear); break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); } if (d < screen_num_desktops && d != screen_desktop) { gboolean go = TRUE; actions_client_move(data, TRUE); if (o->send && data->client && client_normal(data->client)) { client_set_desktop(data->client, d, o->follow, FALSE); go = o->follow; } if (go) { screen_set_desktop(d, TRUE); if (data->client) client_bring_helper_windows(data->client); } actions_client_move(data, FALSE); } return o->interactive; } static gboolean i_input_func(guint initial_state, XEvent *e, gpointer options, gboolean *used) { guint mods; mods = obt_keyboard_only_modmasks(e->xkey.state); if (e->type == KeyRelease) { /* remove from the state the mask of the modifier key being released, if it is a modifier key being released that is */ mods &= ~obt_keyboard_keycode_to_modmask(e->xkey.keycode); } if (e->type == KeyPress) { /* Escape cancels no matter what */ if (ob_keycode_match(e->xkey.keycode, OB_KEY_ESCAPE)) { return FALSE; } /* There were no modifiers and they pressed enter */ else if (ob_keycode_match(e->xkey.keycode, OB_KEY_RETURN) && !initial_state) { return FALSE; } } /* They released the modifiers */ else if (e->type == KeyRelease && initial_state && !(mods & initial_state)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean i_pre_func(guint initial_state, gpointer options) { if (!initial_state) { Options *o = options; o->interactive = FALSE; return FALSE; } else { screen_show_desktop_popup(screen_desktop, TRUE); return TRUE; } } static void i_post_func(gpointer options) { screen_hide_desktop_popup(); } /* 3.4-compatilibity */ static gpointer setup_follow(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr n; Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); o->send = TRUE; o->follow = TRUE; if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "follow"))) o->follow = obt_xml_node_bool(n); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_last_func(xmlNodePtr node) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); o->type = LAST; return o; } static gpointer setup_send_last_func(xmlNodePtr node) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); o->type = LAST; return o; } static gpointer setup_go_abs_func(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr n; Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); o->type = ABSOLUTE; if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "desktop"))) o->u.abs.desktop = obt_xml_node_int(n) - 1; else o->u.abs.desktop = screen_desktop; return o; } static gpointer setup_send_abs_func(xmlNodePtr node) { xmlNodePtr n; Options *o = setup_follow(node); o->type = ABSOLUTE; if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "desktop"))) o->u.abs.desktop = obt_xml_node_int(n) - 1; else o->u.abs.desktop = screen_desktop; return o; } static void setup_rel(Options *o, xmlNodePtr node, gboolean lin, ObDirection dir, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { xmlNodePtr n; o->type = RELATIVE; o->u.rel.linear = lin; o->u.rel.dir = dir; o->u.rel.wrap = TRUE; if ((n = obt_xml_find_node(node, "wrap"))) o->u.rel.wrap = obt_xml_node_bool(n); if (input) { o->interactive = TRUE; *pre = i_pre_func; *input = i_input_func; *post = i_post_func; } } static gpointer setup_go_next_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); setup_rel(o, node, TRUE, OB_DIRECTION_EAST, pre, input, post); return o; } static gpointer setup_send_next_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); setup_rel(o, node, TRUE, OB_DIRECTION_EAST, pre, (o->follow ? input : NULL), post); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_prev_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); setup_rel(o, node, TRUE, OB_DIRECTION_WEST, pre, input, post); return o; } static gpointer setup_send_prev_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); setup_rel(o, node, TRUE, OB_DIRECTION_WEST, pre, (o->follow ? input : NULL), post); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_left_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_WEST, pre, input, post); return o; } static gpointer setup_send_left_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_WEST, pre, (o->follow ? input : NULL), post); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_right_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_EAST, pre, input, post); return o; } static gpointer setup_send_right_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_EAST, pre, (o->follow ? input : NULL), post); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_up_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_NORTH, pre, input, post); return o; } static gpointer setup_send_up_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_NORTH, pre, (o->follow ? input : NULL), post); return o; } static gpointer setup_go_down_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = g_new0(Options, 1); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_SOUTH, pre, input, post); return o; } static gpointer setup_send_down_func(xmlNodePtr node, ObActionsIPreFunc *pre, ObActionsIInputFunc *input, ObActionsICancelFunc *cancel, ObActionsIPostFunc *post) { Options *o = setup_follow(node); setup_rel(o, node, FALSE, OB_DIRECTION_SOUTH, pre, (o->follow ? input : NULL), post); return o; }