package Linux::Proc::Maps; # ABSTRACT: Read and write /proc/[pid]/maps files # KEYWORDS: linux proc procfs use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '0.001'; # VERSION use Carp qw(croak); use Exporter qw(import); use namespace::clean -except => [qw(import)]; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(read_maps write_maps parse_maps_single_line format_maps_single_line); sub read_maps { my %args = @_ == 1 ? (pid => $_[0]) : @_; my $file = $args{file}; if (!$file and my $pid = $args{pid}) { if ($pid =~ /^\d+$/) { require File::Spec::Functions; my $procfs = $args{mnt} || $ENV{PERL_LINUX_PROC_MAPS_MOUNT} || File::Spec::Functions::catdir(File::Spec::Functions::rootdir(), 'proc'); $file = File::Spec::Functions::catfile($procfs, $pid, 'maps'); } else { $file = $args{pid}; } } $file or croak 'Filename or PID required'; open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file) or croak "Open failed ($file): $!"; my @regions; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; my $region = parse_maps_single_line($line); next if !$region; push @regions, $region; } return \@regions; } sub write_maps { my $regions = shift or croak 'Regions required'; my %args = @_; ref $regions eq 'ARRAY' or croak 'Regions must be an arrayref'; my $out = ''; for my $region (@$regions) { $out .= format_maps_single_line($region); } # maybe print out the memory regions to a filehandle my $fh = $args{fh}; if (!$fh and my $file = $args{file}) { open($fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file) or croak "Open failed ($file): $!"; } print $fh $out if $fh; return $out; } sub parse_maps_single_line { my $line = shift or croak 'Line from a maps file required'; chomp $line; my ($addr1, $addr2, $read, $write, $exec, $shared, $offset, $device, $inode, $pathname) = $line =~ m{ ^ ([[:xdigit:]]+)-([[:xdigit:]]+) \s+ ([r-])([w-])([x-])([sp]) \s+ ([[:xdigit:]]+) \s+ ([[:xdigit:]]+:[[:xdigit:]]+) \s+ (\d+) (?: \s+ (.*))? }x; return if !$addr1; no warnings 'portable'; # for hex() on 64-bit perls return { address_start => hex($addr1), address_end => hex($addr2), read => 'r' eq $read, write => 'w' eq $write, execute => 'x' eq $exec, shared => 's' eq $shared, offset => hex($offset), device => $device, inode => $inode, pathname => $pathname || '', }; } sub format_maps_single_line { my $region = shift or croak 'Region required'; my @args = @{$region}{qw(address_start address_end read write execute shared offset device inode)}; $args[2] = $args[2] ? 'r' : '-'; $args[3] = $args[3] ? 'w' : '-'; $args[4] = $args[4] ? 'x' : '-'; $args[5] = $args[5] ? 's' : 'p'; return sprintf("%-72s %s\n", sprintf("%x-%x %s%s%s%s %08x %s %d", @args), $region->{pathname}); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Linux::Proc::Maps - Read and write /proc/[pid]/maps files =head1 VERSION version 0.001 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Linux::Proc::Maps qw(read_maps); # by pid: my $vm_regions = read_maps(pid => $$); # by pid with explicit procfs mount: my $vm_regions = read_maps(mnt => '/proc', pid => 123); # by file: my $vm_regions = read_maps(file => '/proc/456/maps'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module reads and writes F files that contain listed mapped memory regions. =head1 METHODS =head2 read_maps Read and parse a maps file, returning an arrayref of regions (each represented as a hashref). See L to see the format of the hashrefs. my $regions = read_maps(%args); Arguments: =over 4 =item * C - Path to maps file =item * C - Process ID (one of C or C is required) =item * C - Absolute path where L is mounted (optional, default: C) =back =head2 write_maps Returns a string with the contents of a maps file from the memory regions passed. my $file_content = write_maps(\@regions, %args); This is the opposite of L. Arguments: =over 4 =item * C - Write maps to this open file handle (optional) =item * C - Open this filepath and write maps to that file (optional) =back =head2 parse_maps_single_line Parse and return a single line from a maps file into a region represented as a hashref. my $region = parse_maps_single_line($line); For example, # address perms offset dev inode pathname 08048000-08056000 r-xp 00000000 03:0c 64593 /usr/sbin/gpm becomes: { address_start => 134512640, address_end => 134569984, read => 1, write => '', execute => 1, shared => '', offset => 0, device => '03:0c' inode => '64593', pathname => '/usr/sbin/gpm', } =head2 format_maps_single_line Return a single line for a maps file from a region represented as a hashref. my $line = format_maps_single_line(\%region); This is the opposite of L. =head1 SEE ALSO L describes the file format. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 AUTHOR Charles McGarvey =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Charles McGarvey. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut