package Linux::Proc::Maps; # ABSTRACT: Read and write /proc/[pid]/maps files # KEYWORDS: linux proc procfs use 5.008; use warnings; use strict; our $VERSION = '0.002'; # VERSION use Carp qw(croak); use Exporter qw(import); use namespace::clean -except => [qw(import)]; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(read_maps write_maps parse_maps_single_line format_maps_single_line); sub read_maps { my %args = @_ == 1 ? (pid => $_[0]) : @_; my $file = $args{file}; if (!$file and my $pid = $args{pid}) { if ($pid =~ /^\d+$/) { require File::Spec::Functions; my $procfs = $args{mnt} || $ENV{PERL_LINUX_PROC_MAPS_MOUNT} || File::Spec::Functions::catdir(File::Spec::Functions::rootdir(), 'proc'); $file = File::Spec::Functions::catfile($procfs, $pid, 'maps'); } else { $file = $args{pid}; } } $file or croak 'Filename or PID required'; open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file) or croak "Open failed ($file): $!"; my @regions; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; my $region = parse_maps_single_line($line); next if !$region; push @regions, $region; } return \@regions; } sub write_maps { my $regions = shift or croak 'Regions required'; my %args = @_; ref $regions eq 'ARRAY' or croak 'Regions must be an arrayref'; my $out = ''; for my $region (@$regions) { $out .= format_maps_single_line($region); } # maybe print out the memory regions to a filehandle my $fh = $args{fh}; if (!$fh and my $file = $args{file}) { open($fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file) or croak "Open failed ($file): $!"; } print $fh $out if $fh; return $out; } sub parse_maps_single_line { my $line = shift or croak 'Line from a maps file required'; chomp $line; my ($addr1, $addr2, $read, $write, $exec, $shared, $offset, $device, $inode, $pathname) = $line =~ m{ ^ ([[:xdigit:]]+)-([[:xdigit:]]+) \s+ ([r-])([w-])([x-])([sp]) \s+ ([[:xdigit:]]+) \s+ ([[:xdigit:]]+:[[:xdigit:]]+) \s+ (\d+) (?: \s+ (.*))? }x; return if !$addr1; no warnings 'portable'; # for hex() on 64-bit perls return { address_start => hex($addr1), address_end => hex($addr2), read => 'r' eq $read, write => 'w' eq $write, execute => 'x' eq $exec, shared => 's' eq $shared, offset => hex($offset), device => $device, inode => $inode, pathname => $pathname || '', }; } sub format_maps_single_line { my $region = shift or croak 'Region required'; my @args = @{$region}{qw(address_start address_end read write execute shared offset device inode)}; $args[2] = $args[2] ? 'r' : '-'; $args[3] = $args[3] ? 'w' : '-'; $args[4] = $args[4] ? 'x' : '-'; $args[5] = $args[5] ? 's' : 'p'; return sprintf("%-72s %s\n", sprintf("%x-%x %s%s%s%s %08x %s %d", @args), $region->{pathname}); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Linux::Proc::Maps - Read and write /proc/[pid]/maps files =head1 VERSION version 0.002 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Linux::Proc::Maps qw(read_maps); # by pid: my $vm_regions = read_maps(pid => $$); # by pid with explicit procfs mount: my $vm_regions = read_maps(mnt => '/proc', pid => 123); # by file: my $vm_regions = read_maps(file => '/proc/456/maps'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module reads and writes F files that contain listed mapped memory regions. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 read_maps Read and parse a maps file, returning an arrayref of regions (each represented as a hashref). See L to see the format of the hashrefs. my $regions = read_maps(%args); Arguments: =over 4 =item * C - Path to maps file =item * C - Process ID (one of C or C is required) =item * C - Absolute path where L is mounted (optional, default: C) =back =head2 write_maps Returns a string with the contents of a maps file from the memory regions passed. my $file_content = write_maps(\@regions, %args); This is the opposite of L. Arguments: =over 4 =item * C - Write maps to this open file handle (optional) =item * C - Open this filepath and write maps to that file (optional) =back =head2 parse_maps_single_line Parse and return a single line from a maps file into a region represented as a hashref. my $region = parse_maps_single_line($line); For example, # address perms offset dev inode pathname 08048000-08056000 r-xp 00000000 03:0c 64593 /usr/sbin/gpm becomes: { address_start => 134512640, address_end => 134569984, read => 1, write => '', execute => 1, shared => '', offset => 0, device => '03:0c' inode => '64593', pathname => '/usr/sbin/gpm', } =head2 format_maps_single_line Return a single line for a maps file from a region represented as a hashref. my $line = format_maps_single_line(\%region); This is the opposite of L. =head1 SEE ALSO L describes the file format. =head1 CAVEATS Integer overloading may occur if you try to parse memory regions from address spaces larger than your current architecture (or perl) supports. This is currently not fatal, though you will get warnings from perl that you probably shouldn't ignore. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 AUTHOR Charles McGarvey =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Charles McGarvey. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut