package GraphQL::Client; # ABSTRACT: A GraphQL client use warnings; use strict; use Module::Load qw(load); use Scalar::Util qw(reftype); use namespace::clean; our $VERSION = '0.600'; # VERSION sub _croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak } sub _throw { GraphQL::Client::Error->throw(@_) } sub new { my $class = shift; bless {@_}, $class; } sub execute { my $self = shift; my ($query, $variables, $operation_name, $options) = @_; if ((reftype($operation_name) || '') eq 'HASH') { $options = $operation_name; $operation_name = undef; } my $request = { query => $query, ($variables && %$variables) ? (variables => $variables) : (), $operation_name ? (operationName => $operation_name) : (), }; return $self->_handle_result($self->transport->execute($request, $options)); } sub _handle_result { my $self = shift; my ($result) = @_; my $handle_result = sub { my $result = shift; my $resp = $result->{response}; if (my $exception = $result->{error}) { unshift @{$resp->{errors}}, { message => "$exception", }; } if ($self->unpack) { if ($resp->{errors}) { _throw $resp->{errors}[0]{message}, { type => 'graphql', response => $resp, details => $result->{details}, }; } return $resp->{data}; } return $resp; }; if (eval { $result->isa('Future') }) { return $result->transform( done => sub { my $result = shift; my $resp = eval { $handle_result->($result) }; if (my $err = $@) { Future::Exception->throw("$err", $err->{type}, $err->{response}, $err->{details}); } return $resp; }, ); } else { return $handle_result->($result); } } sub url { my $self = shift; $self->{url}; } sub class { my $self = shift; $self->{class}; } sub transport { my $self = shift; $self->{transport} //= do { my $class = $self->_transport_class; eval { load $class }; if ((my $err = $@) || !$class->can('execute')) { $err ||= "Loaded $class, but it doesn't look like a proper transport.\n"; warn $err if $ENV{GRAPHQL_CLIENT_DEBUG}; _croak "Failed to load transport for \"${class}\""; } $class->new(%$self); }; } sub unpack { my $self = shift; $self->{unpack} //= 0; } sub _url_protocol { my $self = shift; my $url = $self->url; my ($protocol) = $url =~ /^([^+:]+)/; return $protocol; } sub _transport_class { my $self = shift; return _expand_class($self->{class}) if $self->{class}; my $protocol = $self->_url_protocol; _croak 'Failed to determine transport from URL' if !$protocol; my $class = lc($protocol); $class =~ s/[^a-z]/_/g; return _expand_class($class); } sub _expand_class { my $class = shift; $class = "GraphQL::Client::$class" unless $class =~ s/^\+//; $class; } { package GraphQL::Client::Error; use warnings; use strict; use overload '""' => \&error, fallback => 1; sub new { bless {%{$_[2] || {}}, error => $_[1] || 'Something happened'}, $_[0] } sub error { "$_[0]->{error}" } sub type { "$_[0]->{type}" } sub throw { my $self = shift; die $self if ref $self; die $self->new(@_); } } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME GraphQL::Client - A GraphQL client =head1 VERSION version 0.600 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $graphql = GraphQL::Client->new(url => 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'); # Example: Hello world! my $response = $graphql->execute('{hello}'); # Example: Kitchen sink my $query = q[ query GetHuman { human(id: $human_id) { name height } } ]; my $variables = { human_id => 1000, }; my $operation_name = 'GetHuman'; my $transport_options = { headers => { authorization => 'Bearer s3cr3t', }, }; my $response = $graphql->execute($query, $variables, $operation_name, $transport_options); # Example: Asynchronous with Mojo::UserAgent (promisify requires Future::Mojo) my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $graphql = GraphQL::Client->new(ua => $ua, url => 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'); my $future = $graphql->execute('{hello}'); $future->promisify->then(sub { my $response = shift; ... }); =head1 DESCRIPTION C provides a simple way to execute L queries and mutations on a server. This module is the programmatic interface. There is also a L. GraphQL servers are usually served over HTTP. The provided transport, L, lets you plug in your own user agent, so this client works naturally with L, L, and more. You can also use L middleware. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 url The URL of a GraphQL endpoint, e.g. C<"http://myapiserver/graphql">. =head2 class The package name of a transport. By default this is automatically determined from the protocol portion of the L. =head2 transport The transport object. By default this is automatically constructed based on the L. =head2 unpack Whether or not to "unpack" the response, which enables a different style for error-handling. Default is 0. See L. =head1 METHODS =head2 new $graphql = GraphQL::Client->new(%attributes); Construct a new client. =head2 execute $response = $graphql->execute($query); $response = $graphql->execute($query, \%variables); $response = $graphql->execute($query, \%variables, $operation_name); $response = $graphql->execute($query, \%variables, $operation_name, \%transport_options); $response = $graphql->execute($query, \%variables, \%transport_options); Execute a request on a GraphQL server, and get a response. By default, the response will either be a hashref with the following structure or a L that resolves to such a hashref, depending on the transport and how it is configured. { data => { field1 => {...}, # or [...] ... }, errors => [ { message => 'some error message blah blah blah' }, ... ], } Note: Setting the L attribute affects the response shape. =head1 ERROR HANDLING There are two different styles for handling errors. If L is 0 (off), every response -- whether success or failure -- is enveloped like this: { data => {...}, errors => [...], } where C might be missing or undef if errors occurred (though not necessarily) and C will be missing if the response completed without error. It is up to you to check for errors in the response, so your code might look like this: my $response = $graphql->execute(...); if (my $errors = $response->{errors}) { # handle $errors } else { my $data = $response->{data}; # do something with $data } If C is 1 (on), then L will return just the data if there were no errors, otherwise it will throw an exception. So your code would instead look like this: my $data = eval { $graphql->execute(...) }; if (my $error = $@) { # handle errors } else { # do something with $data } Or if you want to handle errors in a different stack frame, your code is simply this: my $data = $graphql->execute(...); # do something with $data Both styles map to L responses intuitively. If C is 0, the response always resolves to the envelope structure. If C is 1, successful responses will resolve to just the data and errors will fail/reject. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L - CLI program =item * L - Perl implementation of a GraphQL server =item * L - GraphQL project website =back =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website L When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. =head1 AUTHOR Charles McGarvey =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Charles McGarvey. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut