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6 <title>New features</title>
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10 <div class="dochead">
11 HomeBank User manual
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13 <div class="title">
14 <h1>Previously on HomeBank...</h1>
15 <p>To review the complete list of changes, please use the <i>Help > Release Notes</i> menu from HomeBank program.</p>
17 <b>New features in v5.2</b>
18 <ul class="toc">
19 <li><a href="#52print">Export transaction as PDF (for print)</a></li>
20 <li><a href="#52alltxn">List of all transactions</a></li>
21 <li><a href="#52newimport">Import of multiple file with more option</a></li>
22 <li><a href="#52backup">A real backup mechanism</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#52duplicate">Duplicate transaction finder</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#52template">Default template for each account</a></li>
25 </ul>
27 <b>New features in v5.1</b>
28 <ul class="toc">
29 <li><a href="#51multicurr">Multiple currencies</a></li>
30 <li><a href="#51paydef">Payee default category and payment type</a></li>
31 <li><a href="#51autoassign">New feature for automatic assignments</a></li>
32 </ul>
34 <b>New features in v5.0</b>
35 <ul class="toc">
36 <li><a href="#50txnstatus">Cleared status to enrich transaction status</a></li>
37 <li><a href="#50stackbudget">Stack chart for budget</a></li>
38 <li><a href="#50search">Quick search for list</a></li>
39 </ul>
41 <b>New features in v4.6</b>
42 <ul class="toc">
43 <li><a href="#46search">Quick search for transaction</a></li>
44 <li><a href="#46fiscyear">Configure fiscal year boundaries</a></li>
45 <li><a href="#46schedwe">Scheduled transaction date before or after weekend</a></li>
46 <li><a href="#46schedplay">Ability to individually play scheduled transactions from the list</a></li>
47 </ul>
49 <b>New features in v4.5</b>
50 <ul class="toc">
51 <li><a href="#language">Ability to change language</a></li>
52 <li><a href="#mainreport">Where your money goes</a></li>
53 <li><a href="#txnsplit">Category split for transactions</a></li>
54 <li><a href="#accflt">New filters for account window</a></li>
55 <li><a href="#schedul">Scheduled append until a day of month</a></li>
56 </ul>
57 </div>
58 <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->
59 <h2>New features in v5.2</h2>
61 <div class="rounded content">
62 <h3><a id="52print" name="52print"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Export transaction as PDF (for print)</h3>
63 <p>You can now export the transaction of a single account to a PDF file. This is the first part of the print support into HomeBank.</p>
64 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
65 </div>
67 <div class="rounded content">
68 <h3><a id="52alltxn" name="52alltxn"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->List of all transactions</h3>
69 <p>From the main window transaction menu you can now open a register with all transaction of all accounts.<br>
70 Most of the action are available here, except:</p>
71 <ul>
72 <li>export to qif, pdf
73 <li>the duplicate finder
74 <li>convert to Euro
75 <li>auto assignment
76 <li>the running balance is not showed
77 </ul>
79 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
80 </div>
83 <div class="rounded content">
84 <h3><a id="52newimport" name="52newimport"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Import of multiple file with more option</h3>
85 <p>The import process was completely rewritten starting from zero, with all your wishes in mind. The goal was to enable more flexibility, like import several files at a time and to simplify the access to the option. Adding to this, I added some more duplicate/similar option and a few other refinements. See <a href="use-import.html">the import process</a> for details.
86 </p>
87 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
88 </div>
89 <div class="rounded content">
90 <h3><a id="52backup" name="52backup"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->A real backup mechanism</h3>
91 <p>A real backup mechanism is now available and enable to create a real backup file once a day, with a configurable occurrence.</p>
92 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
93 </div>
94 <div class="rounded content">
95 <h3><a id="52duplicate" name="52duplicate"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Duplicate transaction finder</h3>
96 <p>A duplicate finder is now available from a single account register window in the tools menu. The feature just mark in place the transaction, in bold for the one to keep and strike the potential duplicate called similar.<br>
97 the similarity is evaluated on amount, date (+gap) and memo.</p>
98 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
99 </div>
100 <div class="rounded content">
101 <h3><a id="52template" name="52template"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Default template for each account</h3>
102 <p>On each account you can set a default template transaction, so that every time you create a transaction on that account, the template is used.</p>
103 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
104 </div>
106 <h2>New features in v5.1</h2>
107 <div class="rounded content">
108 <h3><a id="51multicurr" name="51multicurr"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Multiple currencies</h3>
109 <p>You can now manage accounts in different currencies. When opening a file from a previous version of HomeBank, you will be prompted to choose a base currency.<br>
110 Then you can add several currencies with the <a href="dlg-curr.html">currencies dialog</a>, update the exchange rate on-line, and assign different currencies to every account.</p>
111 <p>Take care as the currency formatting option are now in the <a href="dlg-curr.html">currencies dialog</a>.
112 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
113 </div>
114 <div class="rounded content">
115 <h3><a id="51paydef" name="51paydef"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Payee default category and payment type</h3>
116 <p>Payee now enables to set some default value for category and payment. So when you add a new transaction, choosing a payee will automatically fill the category and payment. When you edit a transaction, choosing a payee will complete one or both those two fields if they are empty. See the <a href="dlg-paye.html">payee dialog</a>.</p>
117 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
118 </div>
119 <div class="rounded content">
120 <h3><a id="51autoassign" name="51autoassign"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->New feature for automatic assignments</h3>
121 <p>New capabilities of the automatic assignment are available:</p>
122 <ul>
123 <li>assign payment</li>
124 <li>overwrite is now possible</li>
125 <li>regular expression can be used</li>
126 </ul>
127 <p>See the <a href="dlg-assi.html">assignment dialog</a>.</p>
128 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
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130 <h2>New features in v5.0</h2>
131 <div class="rounded content">
132 <h3><a id="50txnstatus" name="50txnstatus"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Cleared status to enrich the transaction status</h3>
133 <table class="t2col">
134 <tr>
135 <td>
136 A cleared status for transaction was added, to enrich the existing status. You now also have a Status column into the transaction list to display a new set of status for transactions.
137 <ul>
138 <li><img src="images/hb-ope-cleared.png"> : <a href="00-lexicon.html#txncleared">cleared</a></li>
139 <li><img src="images/hb-ope-reconciled.png"> : <a href="00-lexicon.html#txnreconciled">reconciled</a></li>
140 <li><img src="images/hb-ope-remind.png"> : <a href="00-lexicon.html#txnremind">remind</a></li>
141 </ul>
142 </td>
143 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/50txnstatus.png"></td>
144 </tr>
145 </table>
146 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
147 </div>
148 <div class="rounded content">
149 <h3><a id="50stackbudget" name="50stackbudget"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Stack chart for budget</h3>
150 <table class="t2col">
151 <tr>
152 <td>I finally found some time to code a new graph report dedicated to budget, please welcome the stack chart that clarify so much the budget report !</td>
153 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/50stackbudget.png"></td>
154 </tr>
155 </table>
156 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
157 </div>
158 <div class="rounded content">
159 <h3><a id="50search" name="50search"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Quick search for list</h3>
160 <table class="t2col">
161 <tr>
162 <td>For more detail on this, please <a href="use-tipsandtricks.html#listsearch">click here</a>.</td>
163 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/tip-listsearch.png"></td>
164 </tr>
165 </table>
166 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
167 </div><!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->
168 <h2>New features in v4.6</h2>
169 <div class="rounded content">
170 <h3><a id="46search" name="46search"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Quick search for transaction</h3>
171 <table class="t2col">
172 <tr>
173 <td>
174 <p>In the transaction window, right to the balance you will now find a quick search input to fast filter transaction based on text column.</p>
175 <p>The search apply to all columns except status, date and amount columns.</p>
176 </td>
177 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/46search.png"></td>
178 </tr>
179 </table>
180 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
181 </div>
182 <div class="rounded content">
183 <h3><a id="46fiscyear" name="46fiscyear"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Configure fiscal year boundaries</h3>
184 <table class="t2col">
185 <tr>
186 <td>
187 <p>Starting 4.6, you can define your fiscal year start/end date.</p>
188 <p>Previously the fiscal year was aligned to the calendar year, starting on 1st january and ending on 31 december.</p>
189 </td>
190 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/46fiscyear.png"></td>
191 </tr>
192 </table>
193 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
194 </div>
195 <div class="rounded content">
196 <h3><a id="46schedwe" name="46schedwe"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Scheduled transaction date before or after weekend</h3>
197 <table class="t2col">
198 <tr>
199 <td>
200 <p>Insert a scheduled transaction can be controlled to avoid insert on weekend and to automatically change the date to before or after.</p>
201 </td>
202 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/46schedwe.png"></td>
203 </tr>
204 </table>
205 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
206 </div>
207 <div class="rounded content">
208 <h3><a id="46schedplay" name="46schedplay"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Ability to individually play scheduled transactions from the list</h3>
209 <table class="t2col">
210 <tr>
211 <td>
212 <p>You now have 2 buttons below the scheduled list on the main window, one to Skip, one to Post, and this for every scheduled you want to manage manually.</p>
213 <p>If the scheduled transaction can be posted as it, it will be, otherwise if the amount or target account is not pre-filled, you will be prompted with the transaction dialog to make any changes before posting the transaction.</p>
214 </td>
215 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/use-scheduled2.png"></td>
216 </tr>
217 </table>
218 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
219 </div><!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->
220 <h2>New features in v4.5</h2>
221 <div class="rounded content">
222 <h3><a id="language" name="language"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Ability to change language</h3>
223 <p>You can now select a different language than the one of your system !</p>
224 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
225 </div>
226 <div class="rounded content">
227 <h3><a id="mainreport" name="mainreport"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Where your money goes</h3>
228 <p class="argument">Top 5 Spending report !</p>
229 <table class="t2col">
230 <tr>
231 <td>
232 <p>Top 5 spending category new report can be optionally displayed into the main window. The date range can be configured within the preferences, and changed main-window too.</p>
233 </td>
234 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/45topsending.png"></td>
235 </tr>
236 </table>
237 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
238 </div>
239 <div class="rounded content">
240 <h3><a id="txnsplit" name="txnsplit"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Category split for transactions</h3>
241 <table class="t2col">
242 <tr>
243 <td>
244 <p>This is a long time wish which is now possible into HomeBank. You can split non internal transfer up to 10 categories. A new button was added on the right of the amount widget into the transaction dialog.</p>
245 </td>
246 <td><img class="gtkshot" src="images/45txnsplit.png"></td>
247 </tr>
248 </table>
249 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
250 </div>
251 <div class="rounded content">
252 <h3><a id="accflt" name="accflt"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->New filters for account window</h3>
253 <p>The account window now have a new filter / information bar.</p>
254 <p><img class="gtkshot" src="images/45accfilter.png"></p>
255 <p>Here is a description from left to right:</p>
256 <ul>
257 <li>Account title</li>
258 <li>Date range filter</li>
259 <li><strong>Type filter</strong>: expense, income</li>
260 <li><strong>Status filter</strong>: uncategorized, unreconciled</li>
261 <li>Reset filter button</li>
262 <li>Number of items displayed with total amount</li>
263 <li>Number of transaction selected and the amount sum</li>
264 </ul>
265 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
266 </div>
267 <div class="rounded content">
268 <h2><a id="schedul" name="schedul"></a> <!-- = = = = separator = = = = -->Scheduled append until a day of month</h2>
269 <p>You can now insert transaction within a specific day in the next month.<br>
270 So for example, you can add until the 28th of each month, the selected date excluded, which mean transaction that should occurs on 28 will not be inserted.</p>
271 <p>You can keep the previous behaviour to add xx days into the future from today's date.</p>
272 <p class="top"><a href="#top">↑ Back to Top</a></p>
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